It was my first visit to Fountain Park but I am a regular at Livingstons' Nandos. To be honest I am a regular as I have teenage daughters who won't go anywhere elseso I have been converted. I usually have the Mediterranean salad with Mangi & Lime Chicken and it has yet to disappoint.
I love how friendly and polite your staff are, the cleanliness of the restaurant, the speedy service (very rare if have to wait) and more than anything the consistently great tasting food. There's always a great atmosphere .... possibly buzz about the place which makes it a relaxing and stress free place to enjoy some delicious food.
I alwys enjoy checking out your art work which I find humbling when you read who did it. Well done Nandos for promoting new artists.
All in all a great visit which was all the sweeter as the parking was covered as I just scanned my parking ticket at the till and voila.....it was paid.
Sorry about spelling mistakes
Sorry about spelling mistakes but it is Monday morning ;)
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