Having moored our boat nearby, a novel idea came to fruition: Nando's take-away on a boat! I am very rarely one to get a take-away but this was a special occasion and I modified by order accordingly as my previous 1/2 chicken take-away experiences have been disappointing.
I also figured it was the perfect time to try out the online take-away option on the Nando's website which took quite a long time as I had to put 5 orders through, but got there in the end.
I did not want any of my peri-peri sauce to escape when packed up which is why I ordered a chicken wrap with cheese, pineapple and halloumi. It turned out to be a phenomenal decision, but I'll come back to that.
Having finally completed my order, I headed through the pleasant Windsor city-centre which houses the magnificent Windsor Castle and soon found located Nando's. This is a fairly long and narrow restaurant with a sort of annexed seating area on the right opposite the tills with plenty of natural light. There are lots of booths dotted around too.
I went to the till to say I'd arrived and was told my order wouldn't be ready for another 20 minutes which luckily turned into just less than 10, good job! The Nandoca checked everything carefully with me before I headed back to the boat with SVC. The food was lovely and hot when we eventually got our hands on it. My wrap was delicious and easy to eat on a boat without a surface to lean on! I just about kept the sauce under control and particularly enjoyed the pineapple. I may even be tempted to order a double wrap when I eat in in future. Another bonus was the generous portion of peri salt which had penetrated my chips. I felt satisfied and content on completion. The only aspect preventing a 5/5 for food here is that the wrap wasn't spicy enough for my liking.
All in all an excellent day on a Kris Cruisers boat, a #Nandventure and Nando's on a boat!
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