A translation job in Chiswick had to be followed by the nearest Nando's which I was yet to visit and that happened to be here, in posh Wimbledon! The restaurant is a 5 minute walk from the train station and is one of the older ones with nothing particularly modern about it but that is in no way a problem!
Manager Gosia took my order and was interested to hear about the website (as one might expect!). She was convinced that this was the best Nando's having worked at quite a few different ones and I have to say I can see where she was coming from.
Food arrived within 7 or 8 minutes and I was happy to see a big half chicken dripping in sauce with lots of peri chips (it's always better when they bring some chips on the plate and some in a bowl rather than a double portion all on one plate I find). Some of the chips were lacking salt which is why it's 4.5 for food.
Decor is pretty standard downstairs with some comfortable seating on the right as you go on. Things improve upstairs which is more spacious and has more impressive lighting such as dangling chandeliers.
All in all, an excellent Nando's!
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