Third time i have attempted to visit this store and have wasted rather a lot on parking in the persuit. The first time they were shutting half an hour before they had said on the Nandos website, next time they were too busy and weren't taking people and this time i was only told half hour wait. Its a long hike from the parking to the top floor of westquay shopping centre. The store is right at the top on the opporsite side to the lifts and escallators. The store is open to the centre with no walls or windows just a very low barrier which doesn't provide any privicy for the customers which did mean the previous times i came i could view what was on peoples plates. The welcomer seemed to be the only staff member capable of smiling or being polite. I did notice that of the 6 people staff i had interaction wth only one wasn't in a trainee top. suggesting either a high turnover of staff or they need to order some normal uniforms. After a long wait we were seated at our table and I headed straight to the till. On this site it said they offered a student discount but at the till i was verousciosly informed they don't and that whilst solent students can get a free beverage with a meal purchased this was not offered up to southampton, portsmouth or anyother students and it definately wasn't a percentage discount as marked on RYN. I therefore decided to make use of a free quarter I had on a card. We waited around 10 minutes then I was presented with anemic paltry pieces of poultry in the form of 2 legs lacking sauce which really bugs me. which is strange it was so pale as last time i attempted to eat here I saw lots of burnt chicken left on plates. I headed over to the sauce section to give my chicken some flavour.
No one came to ask our opinion of the food :( The store doesn't benefit from any artwork though one of the walls was nice with different coloured wood and mirrors and on the opposing side there are interesting lampshades. Mixture of seating types. The lighting could do with improvement as i had a spotlight over my plate whilst my colleague was eating in the dark. Toilets aren't in the store either. When i asked a grumpy member of staff ther location i was told to head over the far side of the food court past pizzahut. Its a few minutes walk and is a large shared loo area which has the negative of used by all customers of centre and not aesthetically pleasing. Could do with a clean and certainly not suitable to pop to the loo mid dinner. Really didn't enjoy this visit and feel this a store to avoid in future.
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