We got there just after 9pm for a late evening dinner after a gym session. it's not lit up like other branches so we nearly walked right past it. We entered and there was a guy there to meet us straight away which was good, but then he tried to give us table 3 which was squished between a couple and their baby and a mother and son on the other side. We opted for table 7 instead which we later regretted because it is in direct path of the open door which at that time of night was not great. The table was also behind the waiting chair so we had a great listening opportunity to hear peoples order and see their takeaway. We also discovered the other end of the restaurant was free, so why did they try to squish us at the front?...
A bit of a palaver waiting to order the food. there were 2 tils open but waiting in one queue, which turned into two queues as others jumped in, so then they opened a third til, which I tried to join, but then Marek came away from the til to check if I had a table??? Yes and now I'm waiting to order my food! Cripes.
I can't remember how long the food took to come but it was a while. Half chicken mango and lime, sweet mash, halloumi and garlic bread which funny enough was similar to what Jackie ordered so the waiter was very confused. Jackie suggested that I return the chicken because it was really dark and really burnt (black in some places), totally inedible. there was hardly any sauce on it to compensate so I was really disappointed. The mash, oh my god, whoever was doing it needs to put more elbow grease into mashing!!!!! It was 50% chunky, could hardly be called mash. You don't get creamy mash like that so why don't they take more effort with the sweet potato?? Again disappointing. The garlic bread could have done with more cooking time, the only thing right was the halloumi.
This is an old Nando's, and I suppose with the Queensmere branch less than 5 minutes away they probably don't bother any more, but that's not really the attitude to have. They have a really ornate chandelier type thing as you come into the branch which they could may more of an effort with. the place is so dark we nearly walked past it so they should make it lighter in there. We also noticed the lights have a very nice metal protect thing around the bulbs.. The set up/ seating of this place could be looked at. they have the front section of seats then the back but I suppose it's not that big and they have the larger groups at the back.
The toilets could do with some work so try to not use the toilet there...
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