They told us fifteen minute wait, but we went across the road to Bills and came back 45 minutes later to get a table in five minutes. The place was packed, rammed, loads of people waiting for a table and loads of people queuing up to order as you open the door it's practically one queue. They removed all the tables from outside, probably to stop people wanting to eat out there it's so cold.
Table 18 And I had a Nando's semi virgin with me. I would have preferred if my friend had helped him out but seeing as she kept saying how much of an expert I was I had to help him. I don't even look at the menu anymore, I don't know what's where!
Quarter chicken mango and lime, garlic bread, peri chips and sweet mash. Despite the busy restaurant it arrived in just about ten mins. The chips were not peri so I checked my receipt and the silly bugger hadn't requested it, should deduct a point for that but because I was slightly drunk and may have been a bit brashly with the staff they can keep the point.
Chicken was cooked well and still had all the skin on it which was nice compared to some other persons chicken I saw. The mash was well done, the chips, less than I was given at lime street, and the garlic bread portion was good. This came to 10.25 which isn't too bad considering what I was eating before though I never used to order chips so I probably shouldn't get used to it.
Slightly pissed, I used the toilet about five times. I never noticed the metal cockerel on the landing as you're coming down the toilet stairs before but I noticed it tonight. I'll post a picture up if no one else has before. This branch is always touch and go but this time they excelled which was good as I had the semi virgin with me. I even told them about rate your Nando's so hopefully I might have convinced them to join up....
Less than ten minute walk to this branch from the underground and overground Richmond station (district line/ southwest trains/ and the orange line), also accessible by bus but better off walking. One could potentially park in wait rose car park and then walk round but I dunno how much that costs.
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