I've been eating at Nando's a lot recently, perhaps too much being aware of the nauseating proverb about familiarity breeding contempt. Nevertheless, I was in Mile End, one of the most intriguing and excitingly diverse areas of London, and I was hungry at lunch time.
This is a wonderful Nando's, one which I haven't attended for roughly half a decade. Set in a fine location worthy of a Nando's, there is a glorious of the park through the window. Incidentally, this is one of the least busy parks in London, rendering the view & one's Nando's experience even more satisfying. The lighting inside the restaurant is also fascinating, different colours draped from the ceiling adding to the tmosphere. The staff are exceedingly friendly, without being excessively and cloyingly obsequious, and the restaurant deserves a 6 for cleanliness.
Opposite is The Globe pub, a very warm and welcoming watering hole, which seemed to be a lot more packed than Nando's, although Queen Mary university is nearby and the students here are not as irritating as in other metropolises. So, with a pub and a park on a Nando's doorstep, all with attractive attributes, this makes Mile End a superior choice for Nando's aficionados. Actually, if I were to take up higher education right now, or to commence in the Autumn, Mile End is worthy of serious consideration.
Beware driving and walking here though. Mile End is best served by public transport, and the buses and London Underground are excellent in E3, yet be warned as the huge crossing outside the train station is referred to by all as a 'death trap'. In fact, were this Nando's my last meal, and following a swift half of lager at the Globe, followed by a stroll in the park, if the Grim Reaper came for me at the crossing, I could not have complained. I will visit again.
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