A nice new store. There was masses of parking however swaths and swaths of it was disabled only and after driving past row upon row of empty disabled bays to the back of the carpark where you have to drive around and fight for a limited number of spaces, when you drive round twice on a monday evening this is a bit of a shock. Especially as the main features of the destination is a XC climbing centre, Planet Ice and a gym, probably why all the disabled spaces were empty.
The store is neat and clean, the staff friendly, a nice seating area out the front in line with all it's neighboring stores which provides a nice view of the empty disabled bays.
Take your sunglasses with you as if your in the front of the store you will be blinded by the evening sun, in fact I witnessed 5 groups come in and sit down before demanding to be moved back and i struggled under the sunshine. Perhaps blinds for when it's sunny or a canopy to pull down outside to block the evening sun from streaming in.
The store is quite iconic in its decoration in side and bright toilets at the back.
Getting served took a while as the moron customer in front required the staff member to explain every menu item they were ordering and it took longer than i would have liked for another member of staff to come and open another till and only then when the queue had got about 6 deep.
The Food was fine when it came out.
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