If the cashier hadn't put down 30 instead of 13, I would probably have had my food much quicker and not had to ask for it and had a better experience.
Totally forgot about this branch until I got to the airport for my flight to New York. Still didn't have a gate when I arrived at 3pm so went to search for the Nando's which was just upstairs in the restaurant area. Not too long to wait for a table, everyone has their luggage and people were constantly in and out to catch their flights.
Small meal of a 1/4 chicken mango and lime, with sweet mash and garlic bread. It was a 30 minute wait and that's because I had to ask for it after waiting so long. A lot of people around me were getting served quickly and leaving before me so that's when I knew something was wrong. The tables are too packed together, my table was wobbly. I didnt really get a chance to explore the branch or use the loo if they had one.
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