My first Nando's in Johannesburg and the whole of Gauteng. Taken by seasoned veterans (my trusty cousins) and told this was one of the best in the area. It didn't disappoint. From the outset the decoration appeared to be noticeably nicer than my Cape Town points of reference. There was some interesting art work on the walls and the restaurant took up a quite large corner space in the 'Food Emporium' (which I would recommend trying to park right outside of). Tables were clean and sauces left out.
Ordering took place at the tills and I got my first perinaise and quarter chicken breast of the trip. Unlike in the UK when you order breast and it can sometimes seem like a hassle (or be just brought out as a leg instead), my order was welcomed and the breast even came with a 'breast' sticker on the cocktail stick. Perhaps those in Gauteng have softer tastebuds than their countrymen over on the Western Cape, but my order of extra-hot turned an eyebrow amongst the staff, and it seemed to be deemed rather impressive. This was somewhat confirmed by all my cousins opting for 'mild' (equivalent to medium in the UK).
At this point I was quite concerned that Nando's may be spicier over in the North East, but my concerns were soon quelled when I took a bite of my complementing burger and enjoyed the same extra-hot sauce I had come to expect in South Africa. Overall the food was very tasty and the best of the trip so far. The welcome addition of perinaise to my fries and burger was also a clear bonus to the whole ex(peri)ence. Also the quarter breast was noticeably larger than the UK - a proper meal in itself rather than a mere addition to be picked at after the main course.
Great company, great location (especially if out for a days shopping), and great food. Would definitely visit again on my next trip.
(Don't tell anyone but we didn't get dessert at Nando's - instead opting for frozen yogurt across the Emporium. This I would recommend.)
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