This visit was of course for the Rate Your Nando's contributor meal, I hadn't been to this branch before so I was excited to see it, It's quite easy to find from the tube station, as there is a sign just over the street directing you through a tunnel which has Nando's on the other side just to the left, I arrived a bit late and found everybody sitting in a private little room with different sections and even its own cutlery and sauce area, we also got awesome goody bags with cool Nando's stuff in, and discount on all our meals!
Food - 3.5/5 The food was good in this branch, though I made a mistake as I usually do by ordering large garlic bread with my Butterfly chicken and peri-chips, which usually ends up in me struggling to finish with a full stomach. The garlic bread and chicken were really good though, but I was disappointed by the tiny amount of peri-salt on my chips.
Speed of Service - 2/5 - The food took ages to come, I was sat there starving whilst other people were eating, though that moment when it finally arrives is fantastic. Lee, who was sat next to me, waited forever for some Haloumi cheese, which didn't end up coming until after we had all finished our main meals, very disappointing. Though I guess the speed is acceptable considering the large amount of people that were there for our meal. Still doesn't excuse the cheese though.
Friendliness of Staff - 3/5 The staff were pretty friendly, when I arrived confused because I couldn't see anybody for the meal, I explained to a staff member why I was here and he showed me to the private room where I squeezed in between Lee and lots of bags. I was however disappointed by how the treated Lee, by not bringing over his cheese though he requested it a few times.
Decor - 5/5 - This is one of those awesome branches where a railway bridge tunnel has been converted into Nando's, similar to Southwark Arches and South Bank, which are two of my favourites . The curved ceiling was covered in awesome tiles. I am giving this 5/5 mainly just for the little separate room we got seated in and for the revolving door (I love revolving doors) which was awesome, however if you're incredibly fat you might struggle to get into the branch which would be awkward. But the private little room we were in was awesome, it was like we were VIP's, well, we were really, but I thought they'd put more effort into the food and speed considering that. Oh and we had balloons, everybody loves balloons.
Overall I enjoyed this meal, It would be interesting to see if there is any difference when not being in such a large group with the famous Marc and James. I'd give it a 4/5 overall, mainly for the decor.
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