Nandos reviewer dinner 21 (8th reviewer dinner I have been to) this place brought back a lot of memories and Nandos nostalgia as it happened to also be the first Nandos I visited many years ago. It hasn't changed a great deal over the years I must admit, it still is very much similar. The food was great, I had half a chicken (hot) peri chips and garlic bread with bottomless fizzy drink, all thanks to RYN having won a combo meal in the reviewer raffle before we ordered. The meal was fantastic although they do say 'there's nothing tastier then a free meal' so not sure if that played a part, but it was one of the testier Nandos meals I have had for a while!
I'd recommend this place if you ever find yourself at the O2 centre on Finchley Road, top quality, good service, and lots to do after your meal too!
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