WOW, This Nando's is awesome, probably the best I have been to!
I will start with the negatives first, finding it! Don't follow satnav it will take you to a army barracks, like wise don't look at google maps it will also take you to a barracks, and Nando's own webpage and RYN directions will also take you yet again to the barracks! I dread to think how often those guards have to send Nandos lovers away? Instead head to Forthside way which is accessible from the town centre near the train station over Forth place bridge or off the A91 a lesson I learnt the hard way with a lot of driving around in circles. Next the car park which is free and massive but the architect who designed the Vue cinema to which Nandos is attached wanted a massive piazza in front of the building thus resulting in a wasted space and a unnecessary walk.
When we arrived we were told it would be a 10 minute wait as there were a lot of other Nandos fans also waiting more than the benches provided can accommodate, this store is popular! This gave us a chance to admire the venue, triple height ceiling allowing plenty of space for art and funky ceiling decoration and lighting. The seating is in a L shape around the kitchen / till area, you enter the store from the outer point of the bend and the tills are on the inner point of the bend. The toilets at one end of the L were clean, light and airy with a awesome black stone single sink with 3 sensor taps.
One wing has a mixture of round booths in a s shape with normal tables around, the other wing has square booths with shoulder height walls to separate the till queue so as not to disturb dinners and has a break in the middle where the beverage machine, frozen yogurt and cutlery are kept in a neat area with plenty of choice on the sauce front.
Once seated service was prompt and this store is blessed with 20% off for holders of student cards so we went quite wild in our order. Service was quick considering the number of people in store and was about 8 minutes. Again portion size was unbelievably good and massive, well cooked golden chips, the Chicken was spot on and like across all other Scottish stores I have been to, larger than its English Cousins and had fall off the bone level of succulence. The staff were good to check back we were happy and cleared our plates at end smiling throughout. Since it was 20% off we had dessert as well even my mum joined in and she is normally reluctant to and said she was surprised how much she enjoyed the Caramel Cheesecake. After we had made good use of the beverage machine and my mum had been excited by the hands free flush system and taps we waddled happily back to our car wishing all Nando's could be this good and in the ideal world they would be! If you only visit one Nando's in your life, make it Stirling and you can die happy.
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