Manchester - Piccadilly - Gerry Louis Review

Gerry Louis's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 5 (3 votes)
Number of Visits: 
This was my first visit
How Busy?: 
A few tables occupied
Date of Last Visit: 
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Time of Day: 
Weekend Lunch
3.75 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
5 (Wow, I feel incredibly welcome! Recognised if a frequent visitor)
Speed of Service: 
3 (10 - 15 mins - Nando's average)
Quality of Food: 
4 (Above average - noticeably tastier than normal)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
3 (Standard Nando's, nothing bad, nothing exceptional)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

Nando's 103 and my second visit to the amazing city of Manchester!
Next time I'm up I'll have to visit Old Trafford again but for these next two days it's gonna be Nando's.

After getting directions from Elliott, I finally found the Piccadilly branch after about seven minute walk from the coach station. Happened to pass by a "London eye" wheel and thought, am I in the wrong place? The Nando's is just down from the Travelodge so if you spot that you're in the right place. Got there just before twelve pm and happily wasn't one of the last to arrive for the reviewer dinner. A lovely, sexy, tall guy came over to greet me with a lovely Mancunian accent and showed me downstairs.

Ordered about 45 minutes later, and the food arrived in 15- Nando's average. It was good, I can't complain. The chicken was cooked well, the mash was great, though there was a black chunk in it that I couldn't eat. They already had the sauces and cutlery on the table already so that was a good touch and there wasn't an issue with glasses as those were also already prepared for us.

The toilets looked lovely, nice walls however the toilets themselves need more looking after. All in all it was a good restaurant. I didn't look around at the decorations and I didn't spend much time upstairs but they keep the restaurant clean for the most part.

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