The word to describe my ex'periperi'ence at Manchester Arndale would have to be FEAST- I don't think I'd eaten as much as I did that night- feeling stuffed to the brim was definitely worth it.
To set the scene I'd come home from university to go to Manchester with my boyfriend and his best mate Marc Joss, without realising the extent to which Marc was a 'fan' of Nandos. Upon the first time meeting him, I was told he'd won a Superfan competition, so I thought 'yeah he likes Nandos'.
We'd got the metro into town and went straight to Nandos to be greeted by a nice Nandos man who took us to our table straight away... As Marc went off to find a lady about his winnings with his face lit up like a child in a candy store we looked at the menu- the decoration was new and very clean despite me slipping on a chip on the way to the loos. So Marc came back with a big goody bag full of mini Nandos sauces and I deliberated what to choose: I'm not normally a fan of the munching chicken on the bone so my usual is the wrap/ medium spicey (I don't think I really need spicing up). We went to order unknowing of how much Marc would get free, to be told we would get the whole meal free 60/70£ bill!- let the hunger games begin. It was chaos at the till, choosing extras to order: I thought I would be brave and try halloumi without realising a week later id be cooking it at home every night for dinner (border line obsessed). So after we all ordered our Nandos feast and Marc finished giving his signature to the till lady ( I think he's the George Clooney of the Nandos world), the food didn't take too long to come with the servers asking if we needed anything else and grabbing mayo for us.
I was worried about the wrap, because the last Nandos I had in Preston the wrap contained a whole lettuce field. But fortunately it was gorgeous- flavorful, maybe not as sweet chilled as I'd have liked but I am picky. After garlic bread, halloumi, multiple refills & the boys eating 5 chickens between them it was time for dessert.
Dessert let the Arndale down, as they only had 2/3 available out of the 6- luckily I'd picked the chocolate one which they had. It was delicious but just chocolate. I don't know why they give it a fancy name, it should really just be 'Chocolate'- every girls dream, move over boys.
So overall despite nearly breaking my jeans from my belly being so full it was a lovely experience and a privilege to spend it with a superfan.
Ps.Throughout this whole review I wanted to crack one joke hoping I sound funny- 'what did the cheese say to its self in the mirror?' 'halloumi- hellome ;)' Don't all laugh at once.
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