I managed to talk my friend into driving us to Leeds for the day, my main reason was to visit a Nando's there, we spent most of the day wandering around doing nothing, checked out a few of the branches before eventually decided on Leeds Trinity, because it was newish and was in the list of best Nando's.
We got seated immediately as it really wasn't very busy at 5pm on a Sunday, after all the shops had closed, whilst the shopping centre website says it closes at 8pm most days and 5pm on Sunday, since there's no doors to shut on one of the main entrances, as it just carries on like a street, similar to other shopping centres in Leeds, Nando's and the Cinema in there are open late, with Nando's closing at 10pm most days and 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays. One thing to note is that the entrance next to Nando's shuts at the same time as the rest of the shops, so this means you have to go down the escalators to the right of Nando's and exit through the main entrance.
I was very disappointed with this branch, considering it is one of the top rated in the country, I expected everything to be perfect but it really was not.
Food - 2.5/5 - The most important part of the meal, the food, was quite disappointing, the garlic bread really didn't taste that good at all, I actually found myself struggling to eat it, though the food was extremely hot when it arrived, with the chips burning my mouth. They weren't very generous with the Peri-salt on my chips, which was disappointing, and I also didn't manage to finish the chicken because it really didn't taste that special, maybe I should stop getting large garlic bread as I struggle to eat it all. They had forgotten to put Peri-salt on my friend's chips, but without
Speed of Service - 2/5 - We were told when we ordered, that the food would take about 20 minutes, I'm not sure why this was, as the branch wasn't very full, but luckily, being with a group of friends, the time flew by, spending the time being amused by passersby outside, struggling to realise that the exit next to Nando's was closed. Eventually the food came, all at the same time, so no waiting for individual meals, and we scoffed it down. The Nandoca came over swiftly after our meals to offer us dessert and bring it over to us, quickly, so this was a positive part of the Speed.
Friendliness of Staff - 4/5 - The staff in this branch were very friendly, greeting us and giving us an option of where to sit as we came in, he asked if we'd been to Nando's before and we said yes, though he still continued to explain how it worked, and point out where the drinks machine and cutlery was. The Nandoca who served me was also very nice, and we were brought dessert over to our table and asked if everything was okay during our meal.
Decor - 4/5 - It was nice and new and clean, nothing special though, quite a thin but long branch, nothing really stood out, just the usual Nando's decorations, so it was good.
Overall I was quite disappointed, as this was supposed to be one of the best branches in the country, which is why I chose this one out of the rest of the branches in Leeds. Other than the food it was good, but as the food is the most important part I was disappointed. I hope I get to return to Leeds soon as visit another of the branches.
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