It was the dawn of the Beast from the East. Snow finally arrived in Bath and as I sat looking out into the cold and white streets I thought: "Do you know what would make this day better? A cheeky Nando's to warm things up!" So, I put on a few layers, grabbed a book and went to Nando's by myself. I think that was the first time I've eaten at a restaurant by myself but it was quite refreshing. I decided to finally try what Nando's is famous for, it's chicken! I got a spicy 1/2 chicken, some spicy rice and chips. I have to say the chicken wasn't as spicy as I would've liked but the tenderness and taste (and the wide variety of sauces available) more than made up for it. The Vaults are an amazing location and I loved the intimacy of the place. It was cosy and warm and I loved the mixture of the old architecture with the edginess of Nando's furniture and decoration. Such a nice place to eat, with people or by yourself as I found out. There was even a little sink to wash your hands after devouring a chicken (rest in peace). They really thought of the customer when designing this place. It was a sweet escape from the cold outside and a good way to spend my time since uni was closed. Keep up the good work, I'm a fellow Portuguese guy and I appreciate the culinary you're bringing to us here!
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