The staff were very over-the-top, and in some respect a little annoying. Always pushing the new products from the moment we walked in, and during the ordering process. This is very similar to my previous visit here in December 14.
I decided to try the chicken drumsticks. I ordered two mango and lime, and two lemon and herb. When they arrived, I had two medium, and two mango and lime. A little irritable, and did just sum up the whole drumstick experience. They looked tasty, but there was a severe lack of chicken on them, and more bone. The chicken was also quite dry, and a little red in places. Not something I will be having again in a hurry. I had chips and salad with the meal, which were fairly reasonable.
Decoration wise, this outlet is fairly good. Nothing has changed since the last visit, remains the same.
Overall, underwhelming. Not somewhere I would come back too in a hurry!
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