
A list of all the Nando's restaurants in Africa, including addresses, maps and average review scores. Too many Nando's at once? Use the table below to help filter it down by country.

Botswana Mauritius Namibia South Africa
Swaziland Zambia Zimbabwe
Average Rating: 
2.21 / 5
ZA South Africa
Banbury Cross Village
Cnr Hans Strydom & Olievenhout
011 794 9774

Average Rating: 
2.75 / 5
ZA South Africa
Daddys Centre
258 Pelican Drive
031 400 6041

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Village View Centre
Cnr Van Buuren & Kloof Rds
011 455 2145

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Cnr Potgeiter & Mark Street
014 736 6510

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
102 Edward Street
Oakdale, Bellville
021 919 9935

Average Rating: 
3.00 / 5
ZA South Africa
Benmore S/C
Cnr Benmore Rd & 11th
011 884 1951

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Berea Centre
Cnr Noble & Bera Roads
031 202 2023

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Cnr Muller St & Hospital Rd
058 303 8722

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Birchleigh North S/C
Cnr Moiifontein & Strydom
011 391 5330

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Blackheath Pavilion
Cnr Beyers Naude & Pendoring Rd
011 678 2284

Average Rating: 
4.06 / 5
ZA South Africa
208 Nelson Mandela Drive
051 447 5502

Average Rating: 
3.75 / 5
ZA South Africa
Bluff Centre
Cnr Tara & Grays Inn Roads
031 467 4608

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Shop 42 Boardwalk Casino
216 Brookes Hill Suites
041 583 3387

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
384 Trichardts Road
011 892 3560

Average Rating: 
/ 5
ZA South Africa
Summerfield S/C
Cnr Cowie Kelly & Balita Sts
011 791 3654
